Criminal Justice Parent PageDJ Jaffe2017-02-01T08:23:29-06:00
120 Officers Killed by Mentally Ill
AOT and Criminal Justice
Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) Must Be a 2-Way Street
Eric Clark retried or released in murder of Jeffrey Moritz
FBI: Responding To Mentally Ill | PDF
Federal & State Policies to Reduce Incarceration of Mentally Ill
Florida Sheriffs’ Endorse Baker Act to Help Mentally Ill
Homicides Of Mental Health Workers By Patients | PDF
IAB: Untreated Severe Mental Illness Burdens First Responders | PDF
International Assoc. of Chiefs of Police Endorse AOT
International Assoc. Of Chiefs Of Police Endorse Assisted Outpatient Treatment | PDF
Judge Randy Rogers on Mentally ill
Law Enforcement and Mentally Ill
Law Enforcement Should Support Assisted Outpatient Treatment | PDF
Management Of The Severely Mentally Ill And Its Effects On Homeland Security | PDF
Mental Health Policies Are Cause For Alarm In Corrections (Sheriff Mag) | PDF
Mental Health Policies Are Cause For Alarm: Why Law Enforcement (TAC)| PDF
Mentally Ill Treated in Jail, Not Community
National Sheriffs Association Supports Assisted Outpatient Treatment
National Survey: Police, Sheriffs Overwhelmed by Mentally Ill
Police Problem-Specific Guide: People With Mental Illness | PDF
Secret Service Report: 64% of Mass Attackers Mentally ill
Untreated Mentally Ill Killed by Police (2012)