Mental Illness Policy Org and DJ Jaffe have been filling lots of important stories.
Libertarian: In this short important video, libertarian John Stossel interviews DJ Jaffe to expose flaws in our nation’s mental health system and specifically how they play out in NYC. (It was done in concert with Manhattan Institute’s City Journal)
Conservative: DJ Jaffe of Mental Illness Policy Org wrote in the conservative National Review how a mental illness related subway pushing in 1999 in New York led states everywhere to adopt or improve assisted outpatient treatment (AOT) laws.
Liberal: The liberal New York Magazine highlighted our efforts to help the seriously mentally ill access assisted outpatient treatment. The Marshall Project carried the same story with even more info on our work. The liberal New York Times included our point of view in an article on Kendra’s Law
Apolitical: DJ Jaffe responds to critics of Mental Illness Policy Org in a Pete Earley blog that is widely read in Washington.
Medical: Our scholarly article in Psychiatric News argues that for people with serious mental illness, Peer Support is not an evidence-based practice.
Our politically incorrect TEDTalk given at the National Council on Behavioral Health continues to garner thousands of views.
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